Halloween Costume ideas 2015
January 2013

When we are talking about a website one the common thing is menu bar.No matter if vertical or horizontal, simple or complex, a menu is essential and it has to look that way.
Today I am going to show you how to create a cool good-looking sexy menu bar using CSS3.
Just take a look of these links for the code::

How to Add this in Blogger ?  
It's very simple.
In a new HTML/JavaScript page element paste as following :

    <style type="text/css">
    [ THE CSS ]
    [ THE HTML ]
And click Save
Another process :
1.Add The CSS above    </b:skin>    
2. Paste THE CSS part
3.After    <body>     paste THE HTML part where you want the Menu Bar.   
( N.B : Be carefull while working with these codes.please make a backup of your TEMPLATE )

We can download many files one by one with IDM (Internet Download Manager). For this we have to use “ synchronization queue ”.
Step-1: Open IDM and click on “ Scheduler “

Step-2: Then “ synchronization queue > files in the queue > select 1 > Apply > ok hen select synchronization queue

Step-3: Now while downloading a file click on “Download Later “

Step-4: Then select synchronization queue

Step-5: If you want to move older files in synchronization queue, then select  those files and right click > Move to synchronization queue
Step-6: To start Synchronization queue , at first stop all download and select Synchronization queue.

Usually computer is attacked by viruses. My computer also faces at least one virus every day. Many times those viruses disable “Task manager”or some antivirus  disable it. So if you want to stop a running task you have to open the task manager. But it was disabled by viruses. Upsssss…  :( :(
Here I'm going to show you how to stop a running file with the help of Command Prompt. No need of Task manager.

Step-1 : Start “ cmd.exe "
Step-2 : Write “ tasklist ”(without quote) and press “Enter “
Then you will see the list of running files. like below-

Now suppose you want to stop “cmd.exe”

Step-3 :  So write “ tskill cmd “ (without ” ”)
Cmd .exe will be closed.

Debapriya Maity


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