For making a website or editing a blog template appropriate color is very important. For web design every color has a color code in HEX value ( like: White- #FFFFFF ). We all know about it.
Sometimes we choose a color but we cannot find the HTML color code for that color. So we search in Google or else use a website to find the color code.
HTML Color Codes
But when you are working offline then is is very hard to find that color code. Or you saw a color in a website/application/document. You liked it very much. But you cannot find that code for that color on those websites. So I am going to tell you How to find HTML color code instantly.
- Just download this software (420.67 KB) from the below link.
- Install it on your computer. After installing it will show in your Task Bar. Like this-
How to use ?
Just Click on that icon in your task bar and hold it and then drag the mouse pointer to the desired color on your screen.
It will work everywhere in your computer screen. So you can pick color code from any application or document or website or in short whatever you see on your computer screen. In the above screenshot, you clearly see that how this software shows HTML color code from Google search page.
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